Policy updated: November 2021
We recognise that our work with children, young people and vulnerable adults are the
responsibility of the whole church.
The Refuge Church is committed to:
• The nurturing, protection and safekeeping of everyone, especially children, young people
and vulnerable adults.
For the purposes of this statement, a vulnerable adult is taken to be one “Who is or may be
in need of community care services by reason of disability, age or illness; and is or may
be unable to take care of unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or
exploitation”. This definition of an Adult covers all people over 18 years of age.
• Listening to, relating effectively to and valuing children, young people and vulnerable
adults whilst ensuring their protection within church activities.
• Preventing the physical, emotional and sexual abuse of children, young people and
vulnerable adults. It is also our responsibility to report any abuse discovered or suspected,
following the agreed procedure of the church, and respond to allegations of abuse, including
those made against leaders or other members of the church.
• Helping victims of abuse with appropriate pastoral care.
• Communicating with the statutory authorities where necessary.
• Encouraging and supporting parents and carers.
• Appointing children’s/youth workers in accordance with our outlined procedures
• Training and resourcing those who work with children and young people.
• Supervision of activities and practice issues.
If you have any concerns for a child or in relation to any child protection matter, then speak
to one of the following, who are the Safeguarding co-ordinators for this church.
The Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP) and the Deputy DSP are appointed by the Senior
DSP: Pastor Joy 07576180250
Deputy DSP: Deborah Fasoyiro 07375035047
Senior Pastor: Pastor Enoch 07480229426
This document is based on a Model Child Protection Policy supplied by thirtyone:eight (formerly CCPAS) – a project of PCCA Child Care.
A copy of this policy and all amendments will be filed with thirtyone:eight. This policy must not be copied by other Churches/ organisations
without the written permission of thirtyone:eight.
• Roles and responsibilities for Workers’ page 3-4
• Good Practice with Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults page 2
• The church should ensure that…
• The children’s/youth worker should…
• The children’s/youth worker should NOT engage in…
• Good Practice with Supervision page 3
• Good Practice with Colleagues pages 3
• Practical Guidelines for Safety and Protection pages 4
• Child supervision ratio
• Toilet trips
• Workers’ conduct
• Touching
• Recognition of abuse
• Physical signs of abuse
• Signs of neglect
• Emotional signs of abuse
• Signs of possible sexual abuse
• Who abuses children?
• Actions to take if abuse is suspected or disclosed pages 6
• Practical procedures page 7
• Abuse of trust page 7
• If abuse by a member of The Refuge Church is suspected page 7
• Allegations page 8
• Allegations of physical injury or neglect
• Allegations of sexual abuse
• Offenders in the church
• Responding to a vulnerable person wanting to talk about abuse page 8
Roles and Responsibilities of the workers:
• Each worker need to familiarise themselves with and follow this policy and associated
procedures and guidelines;
• Comply with the minimum training and complete any additional learning to maintain or
develop their safeguarding competence in line with the local service requirements.
Good Practice with Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults
The Refuge Church should, wherever possible, make sure a worker is not left alone with a
child, young person (YP) or vulnerable adult (VA) where their activity cannot be observed.
Good Practice with Supervision
• Pray together regularly for the work, the children/YP/VA and for each other.
• Discuss working and personal relationships with the children/YP/VA.
• If possible, keep a written note of each meeting, including anything of note that was
observed, by anyone.
• Meet together on a regular basis to review, plan and delegate the work.
The Children’s & Youth Work Leaders with/and Safeguarding Team should act appropriately
and sensitively monitor if there are doubts about a worker’s practice. They should monitor for
any child/ YP/VA receiving any exceptional treatment, being highly favoured or treated
extremely harsh way.
Good Practice with Colleagues
• All leaders should make an effort to encourage and support each other, and foster an
atmosphere which allows all workers to be comfortable enough to share any inappropriate
attitudes, speech or behaviour.
• Remember that we are leaders, then friends. We should neither do nor say anything that will
undermine our ability to function as leaders. We must model consistency for the children in
conduct, speech, attitude and discipline. With this, our friendship will impact their lives to a
far deeper level.
• Always remember that as workers with children and young people we are in a position of
influence, authority and responsibility and we should act accordingly.
• When you see another worker acting in ways which might be misconstrued or compromise
the work with the children, YP or VA is prepared to speak to them yourself and/or talk to
whoever is in charge of the children’s work, or someone on the Oversight Team.
These best practice guidelines are in place to help those working on behalf of the church to
do it well; prioritising the safety and well-being of those they are working with.
• The environment should be risk assessed weekly and ensured that it is tailored to make the
different children and youth groups feel comfortable and safe.
• Have access to a telephone for emergencies, with a contact list available.
• Have experienced first-aiders and fire marshals on call on a Rota basis.
• Keep a fully-equipped first-aid box with an accident record book
• It is essential that the workers gain important information about all children and young
people involved in any activities at the church, which is recorded on our consent forms. From
the first week of the child or young person attending, workers must gain records of their full
name, medical emergency and allergy information and a contact name and number.
. Attendance register must be in a secure place – at each session record:
• Date and time of session, dates of birth, addresses and contact phone numbers
• Names of children and adults and helpers responsible for them.
• Note anything significant, e.g. accident, upset, disclose.
Child Supervision Ratios – Adults (over 16): Children
• Champions (2yrs – 8yrs) 1:5
• Royals (9yrs – 15 yrs.) 1:8
• The Living Word (16+ yrs) 1:10
• If a child’s behaviour causes concern or he/she is distressed find out from the child what
happened and then call for his/her parent/guardian.
• When participating in outdoor activities with the children and youth, ensure that a risk
assessment or safety check of the area has been completed beforehand and that they are well
supervised in close proximity, so that they cannot wander off.
• All parents/guardians are required to bring the Champions and Royals to each session and
sign them in as they arrive, and sign them out before they collect them from the session.
Toilet trips
• Parents/guardians are encouraged to take their child to the toilet prior to the start of the
Sunday School Service. There will be a point in the session where the Champions are taken
to the toilet – all will be encouraged to go at this point, one by one. Champions of 5+ years
should be able to take themselves to the toilet; however they will be escorted to the door and
guided to return straight back. Champions under the age of 5yrs must NOT be allowed to go
to the toilet unsupervised.
Workers’ conduct
• Those working closely with children/YP/VA need to be sensitive to their needs. Care must
be taken so that anything we do does not make a child feel uncomfortable or cause them to
misinterpret our actions.
• Touch should be age-appropriate and generally initiated by the child rather than the worker.
• Keep everything public. Be mindful that a hug in the context of a group is very different
from a hug behind closed doors. We encourage high fives where hugs are not possible or tell
the child to give big smile/thumbs up when greeting them.
• Touch should be related to the child’s needs, not the worker’s so workers should be mindful
of this.
• Children have the right to decide how much physical contact they have with others, except
in exceptional circumstances when they need medical attention.
• Avoid any physical activity that is, or may be thought to be, sexually stimulating to the
adult or child.
• Team members should monitor one another in the area of physical contact. They should be
free to help each other by pointing out anything that could be misinterpreted.
• Concerns about abuse must always be reported, following the church policy and raised to
the DSP.
Physical signs of abuse
• Any injuries not consistent with the explanation given for them.
• Injuries which occur in the body in places which are not normally exposed to falls,
rough games, etc.
• Injuries which have not received medical attention.
• Reluctance to change, or participate in games or swimming.
• Repeated urinary infections or unexplained stomach pains.
• A bruise, burns, bites, fractures, etc., which do not have an accidental explanation.
• Cuts, scratches, substance abuse.
Signs of neglect
• Under nourishment
• Failure to grow
• Constant hunger, stealing or gorging food
• Untreated illness
• Inadequate care, e.g. frequently wearing dirty clothes, lack of washing and personal
• Hygiene
Emotional signs of abuse
The Refuge Church 6 | P a g e
• Changes or regression in mood or behaviour, particularly where a child withdraws or
becomes clingy. Also depression/aggression, extreme anxiety
• Nervousness, frozen watchfulness
• Obsession or phobia
• Sudden under-achievement , lack of concentration
• Inappropriate relationships with peers or an adult
• Attention-seeking behaviour
• Persistent tiredness
• Running away, stealing, lying
Signs of possible sexual abuse
• Any allegation made by a child concerning sexual abuse
• Excessive preoccupation with sexual matters and detailed knowledge of adult sexual
behaviour, regular engagement in age-inappropriate sexual play
• Sexual activity through words, play or drawings
• Sexual provocation or seduction towards adults
• Inappropriate bed-sharing arrangements at home
• Severe sleep disturbance with fears, phobias, vivid dreams or nightmares, sometimes
with veiled sexual connotations
• Eating disorders – anorexia, bulimia
Who abuses children?
• Rarely a stranger, usually someone who knows the child, e.g. parent, babysitter,
sibling, relative, friend of the family.
• Sometimes, someone in authority such as teacher, youth worker, children’s worker or
church worker/leader.
• Sometimes, paedophiles and others who set out to join organizations (including
churches) to obtain access to children
In the case of any suspected abuse or disclosures are made, avoid jumping to conclusions or
starting to investigate.
Just ensure that you report your concerns as soon as possible to the DSP. They will take
action, in consultation with the Deputy and Senior Pastor, seeking advice from thirtyone:
eight (see below) and referring allegations or suspicions of abuse to the statutory authorities
where necessary, on behalf of the Senior Pastor.
Where the DSP is not available, the matter should be brought to the deputy who will follow
the same procedure.
Where the suspicions in any way involve the DSP, the report should be made to the Deputy.
Where the suspicions involve the DSP and the Deputy then the report should be made
immediately to:
Thirtyone: eight
The Refuge Church 7 | P a g e
PO Box 133
Kent, BR8 7UQ
Telephone: 0303 003 1111
Suspicions will not be discussed with anyone other than those nominated above. We aim at
working in an open way with the statutory authorities where necessary.
Practical procedures
Contact the church child protection DSP/Deputy as soon as possible.
Write down what was said immediately. It is important not to change words – you will be
asked for this report at some point.
Do not try to investigate the matter yourself or talk to the parent, guardian or alleged
perpetrator of abuse because, it can seriously hinder any future investigation.
On very rare occasions there may be a need to contact Social Services directly only if it is not
safe for the child to return home and you cannot get in touch with the DSP or Deputy.
Consider your own feelings and seek pastoral support from the Oversight Team if necessary.
Abuse of trust
As a church, we undertake to follow the principles found within the ‘Abuse of Trust’
guidance issued by the Home Office. It will therefore be unacceptable for those people in a
position of trust to engage in any behaviour which might allow a sexual relationship to
develop while the relationship of trust continues.
If abuse by a member of the church is suspected
The DSP/Deputy will take appropriate action, in accordance with the procedures outlined
above. He/she will arrange pastoral support from a church member for both parties and also
for the person to whom the matter was reported. All information will be shared on a ‘need to
know’ basis only. We aim at protecting all parties from any injustice.
Allegations of physical injury or neglect
DSP/Deputy and/or Oversight Team of the church will contact thirtyone: eight for advice in
cases of deliberate injury or where there is concerned about the child’s safety.The church in
these circumstances should not inform the parents.
Where emergency medical attention is needed, it should be sought immediately. In other
circumstances, she/he will speak with the parent/carer and suggest that medical care be
sought for the child, and then, the doctor (or health visitor) will then initiate further action
where necessary. Where appropriate, the parent/carer will be encouraged to seek help from
the Social Services.
Where the parent/carer is unwilling to seek help, if appropriate the DSP will offer to go with
them; if they still fail to act the DSP should, in cases of real concern, contact Social Services
for advice.
Allegations of sexual abuse
The DSP and/or Oversight Team of The Refuge Church will contact thirty-one: eight for
advice. Thirtyone: eight will confirm its advice in writing in case this is needed for reference
purposes in the future. In a serious, Social Services need to be contacted immediately (if the
child is at risk if they go home, for example). The DSP will not speak to the parent (or
anyone else) about the matter and will not attempt to carry out any investigation into the
allegations or suspicions of abuse. The role of the DSP is to collect and clarify the accurate
details of the allegation or suspicion and to provide this information to the Social Services
Department, if necessary.
Though, allegations or suspicions of abuse will normally be reported to the DSP/Deputy,
please note that the absence of the DSP or Deputy should not delay reference to the Social
Services in the case of an immediate, serious situation. Exceptionally, should there be any
disagreement between the person in receipt of the allegation or suspicion and the DSP/
Deputy as to the suitability of a referral to Social Services, that person retains a responsibility
as a member of the public to report serious matters to the Social Services and should do so
with immediate effect. The Oversight Team will support the DSP/Deputy in their role, and
accept that any information they may have in their possession will be shared only on a need
to know basis.
Offenders in the church
• In a case of someone known to have been an abuser becomes involved with the church,
show them love and pastoral care with appropriate boundaries for them so that others are not
placed at risk.
General points:
• It is very vital for you to demonstrate good listening skills
• Show acceptance of what the child says (however unlikely the story may sound)
• Keep calm, look at the child directly
• Be honest and tell the child you will need to let someone know – don’t promise
• Even when a child has broken a rule, they are not to blame for the abuse.
• Be aware that the child may have been threatened or bribed not to tell • Never push
for information
• If the child decides not to tell you after all, then accept that and let them know that
you are always ready to listen.
• Quickly, write down what has been shared.
Helpful responses
• You have done the right thing in telling.
The Refuge Church 9 | P a g e
• That must have been really hard 13 of 15.
• I am glad you have told me.
• It’s not your fault.
• I will help you
Unhelpful responses
• Why didn’t you tell anyone before?
• I can’t believe it!
• Are you sure this is true?
• Why? How? When? Who? Where?
• Never make false promises
• Never make statements such as ‘I am shocked, don’t tell anyone else’
To conclude,
• Again reassure the child that they were right to tell you and show acceptance.
• Let the child know what you are going to do next and that you will let them know
what happens (you might have to consider referring to Social Services or the Police to
prevent a child or young person returning home if you consider them to be seriously
at risk of further abuse.
- The DSP is responsible for recruitment of church members to serve us in our
children’s work. - Anyone who responds positively to the invitation (applicants) is invited to complete
an application form providing details of referees. - Suitable applicants are invited to complete a voluntary disclosure form and a
“reference for suitability” form. - Applicants will then be invited to go through the process of completing a disclosure
form with the DSP. - Completed application forms (together with references and disclosure) are held on file
at The Refuge Church head office. - Concerns arising from the disclosures are referred to The Refuge Church Oversight
Team who may take advice from thirty-one: eight regarding how to proceed.