23rd April 2024
Jeremiah 3:19 – But I said, how shall I put thee among the children, and give thee a pleasant land, a goodly heritage of the hosts of nations? and I said, thou shalt call me, my father; and shalt not turn away from me.
Throughout the Old Testament and even before the coming of Jesus, the nature of God as a father was not commonly used. We see God as the Lord (Malachi 3:6), the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Exodus 3:15), the Almighty and Jehovah (Ex 6:3). The desire of God for us all is to acknowledge Him as our Father” …thou shalt call me, my father…” and this Fatherhood of God was made more known through Jesus Christ. All through the life of Jesus, He always acknowledged God as the Father.
In teaching the disciples how to pray in Matthew 6:9-13, Jesus made it a point that God should be acknowledged as “our father”. The revelation of God as the father by Jesus is also seen in John 6:39 about the will of the Father, John 11:41 He hears you when you call, John 10:29 talking about the greatness of God and His ability to preserve, Matthew 6:8 He cares for you, Matthew 7:11 He gives good gifts, Luke 11:13 He gives the Holy Spirit.
As long as you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour and believe in Him, you are empowered to be the son of God. To then enjoy the benefit of sonship, we must consciously see and acknowledge God as our Father and then as Jeremiah 3:19 says, He will give us pleasant land, goodly heritage of the hosts of nations.
Matthew 6 gives us a clear description of who God is as a Father, our Provider. In Matthew 6:8, He knows what you need even before you ask. This shows that God clearly is not ignorant of you as His child. In Matthew 6:25-32, we see that as a child of God, you are valuable to God (vs 26) and therefore, He will feed you (vs 26), He will clothe you with beauty (vs 28-30). There is provision of what to eat, drink, and put on (vs 31-32).
Also, Jesus makes us to understand that we have a Father that is greater than every enemy that might come against us and that God as our Father is able to preserve us and all He has given to us. Here, we see God as our Protector (John 10:29). Therefore, be confident that the life God has given you, nobody can take it away from you. Your children, your business, your spouse, and all that God has given unto You, they are preserved.
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Thank you so much Pastor Sir.
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen. Thank you so much Pastor. Greater grace sir.
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen
Thanks pastor
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen
More grace sir 🙏
Once we accept Jesus as our lord and savior, God becomes our father.
There are so many benefits of God being our father. Some of these are: he becomes
1. Our provider; making us lack nothing
2. Our protector or preserver; ensuring that we and all that we have is kept safe and preserved against any evil or destruction.
So we need to remember that God always cares for us and will never ignore us because we are his children.
Thank you Pastor
I believe and confess, that I have a Father in heaven who provides all my needs, according to His riches in glory and lack nothing. What He has provided is perserved and protected by the blood of Lamb. Amen
Luke 11
One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.”
He said to them, “When you pray, say: “Our`Father, [1] hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. [2]
Give us each day our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. [3] And lead us not into temptation.
tlThank you for this powerful devotional sir. I am blessed indeed
More grace upon grace sir. Shalom.
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen
Hallelujah what a father I have!
Thank you pastor more deep revelation this is powerful devotion. 🙌🏾
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. Praise God🙌
As long we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and saviour and believe in Him, we are empowered to be the son of God. I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, and I am clothed with beauty.
Thank you Pastor for this powerful devotional 🙏
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Thank you Pastor, more grace.
Hallelujah hallelujah Glory be to God Almighty Thank you Father for your Holy Word today.
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen
Thank you so much daddy ,more gracecand strength Sir .
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen
Thank you, Pastor
Oh Father. Thank You. Amen.
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen
Thank you Pastor for this devotional
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen..Thank you sir
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen Thank you Pastor
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen. Matthew 6 gives us a clear description of who God is as a Father, our Provider. Thank you Pastor Enoch for this wonderful devotional!!
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen🙏🏽🙏🏽
Thank you so Pastor for this devotional.🙏🏽
Knowing God is the best think has happened to humanity and I thank God My Father, that through Christ I enjoy the benefits of His Sonship as His daughter. For my Father, God takes great care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen
Thank you so much Pastor for the grace that rests upon you and produces these powerful devotions. We love, honour and appreciate you Sir.
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Thank you Pastor.
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen. More grace Pastor
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen Thank you Pastor God bless you 🙏🏽❤️
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen thank you Daddy for this wonderful devotion May the Lord bless you in Jesus name more grace and strength to make more devotion Amen 🙏
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. AMEN THANK YOU LORD FOR I KNOW YOU AS A FATHER. THANK YOU DADDY FOR THIS UPLIFTING DEVOTION.
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Thank you Pastor for this wonderful devotional
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen . Thank you daddy for this powerful wonderful Devotion may the Lord bless you and keep you safe in Jesus precious name amen and I will have more and more people in the Refuge Church UK Amen 🙏
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen
Powerful and insightful! He is not just my Lord but also my Father and he cares for me.
Thank you very much Pastor for this insightful devotional this morning. More grace!!!
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen. Thank you so much for this devotion Sir ✝️🌻🎆🙏🏾
I have God has my Father, he takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen 🙏
Thank you Jesus for making me your child. Glory💃💃💃☺️😁🥰🙌 thank you Sir.
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Hallelujah!! I have God as my father, he takes care of me. Therefore, i lack nothing, i am protected, blessed and clothed with beauty. All that my father has given unto me is preserved and protected In the name of Jesus. Amen.
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen
Thank you so much Sir for this powerful devotion.
Greater Grace, Greater Glory Sir
Shalom my Father
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen. Thank you pastor
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen.Thank you so much pastor for this devotion
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen. thankyou pastor for this wonderful devotional🙌🏽🙌🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
I have God as my Father, He takes care of me. Therefore, I lack nothing good, I am protected, I am blessed, I am clothed with beauty. All that my Father has given unto me are preserved and protected in the name of Jesus. Amen. thankyou pastor for this wonderful devotional🙌🏽🙌🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽