Hope That Does Not Disappoint

25th March 2022

Hope That Does Not Disappoint

Romans 5:5- Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

Today, we express hope as if we can’t be sure what will really happen. We say, “I hope I will win that prize. I hope it won’t rain tomorrow. I hope everything works out well.”

But “hope” in the Bible is a confident and positive expectation of good. God wants you to have a confident expectation of good because as His child, He favors you. Because Christ is in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27), you can expect the glory of God to shine into every area of your life, including your family, job, ministry, health and finances!

God’s Word says, “Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” You may have experienced disappointed hopes, but there is a hope that does not disappoint when you are conscious of how much God loves you. It is a hope that springs from the heart of God, who loves you very much.

It is interesting that the first mention of the Holy Spirit in the book of Romans is tied up with the love of God. The book of Romans is considered foundational for Christians. Could it be that the first thing the Holy Spirit wants to do is to establish in our hearts that God loves us? Many people think that the Holy Spirit has come to teach us about power. But the truth is that the Holy Spirit has come not to reveal the love for power, but the power of love!

My friend, you may have just lost your job. But if you can say, “Jesus loves me this I know,” you can also say, “I believe that I will get a better job tomorrow.” Your girlfriend may have just left you for your best friend. But because you can say, “Jesus loves me this I know,” you can also say, “I’ll meet a better girl.”

When you believe that God loves you, you will have a positive expectation of good. You will have a hope that does not disappoint. So be careful what you hope for because you are bound to get it!

Being conscious of how much God loves me, gives me a hope that does not disappoint.

10 thoughts on “Hope That Does Not Disappoint”

  1. “When you believe that God loves you, you will have a positive expectation of good. You will have a hope that does not disappoint. So be careful what you hope for because you are bound to get it” ! Thank you my Pastor.

  2. Gloria Oluwatobi

    Wow ! Thank you Jesus
    Just what I needed to hear.
    God you are good and your mercies endures forever. Thank you Jesus for hope that never ever disappoints.

    Thank you Pastor for sharing ! I am blessed

  3. Shanikka st luce

    Wow powerful I am conscious of how much you love me Lord and that is why I am field with a hope that will never disappoint me Amen

  4. Hallelujah what a friend we have who is close then brother, I worship you Lord 🙏 🙌 ❤️ I am blessed by the word ( BUT THE TRUTH IS THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS COME NOT TO REVEAL THE LOVE FOR POWER, BUT THE POWER OF LOVE! )

  5. Thank you Father God for being there for me in every area of my life and my son’s life.
    Being concious of how much God loves me gives a hope that does not disappoint.

  6. Being conscious of how much God loves me, gives me a hope that does not disappoint.

    Thank you my ever faithful and intentional God. 🙌🏾🙇🏾‍♀️🙏🏾

  7. Janet Harrison

    My hope is build on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness, I dare not trust the sweetest frame but only lean on Jesus name. On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand thank you Lord.🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲

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